Glitchpunk: el encuentro entre el primer GTA y el universo cyberpunk se revela en un tráiler

Cyberpunk 2077  made the bet to offer a mix between open world like GTA and RPG inspired by the role-playing game  Cyberpunk 2020  . Glitchpunk  , meanwhile, fully embraces the frenetic action in a top-down format inspired by the first GTA, released in 1997, and mixes it with the delightfully dystopian and retro-futuristic cyberpunk genre.

A classic action game married to a classic cyberpunk story

Glitchpunk  will put us in the shoes of an android mercenary. As its name suggests, it is plagued by a flaw that forces it to rebel against its program. Little by little, our character will thus embark on a quest that will lead him to a war against a tyrannical government at the start of the megacorporations.

A true tribute to the first GTA, it will be a hectic top-down action game that will allow us to wield different weapons and vehicles in four different cities. Each houses its share of colorful characters, gangs, and corrupt police forces.

Cyberpunk obliga, el juego también ofrecerá una historia oscura que tratará temas maduros como el transhumanismo, la xenofobia, la religión, el sexo, la violencia y el consumo de drogas. También será posible interactuar con diferentes personajes, incluso formar vínculos románticos con algunos e influir en el mundo que nos rodea a través de nuestras palabras o acciones.

Un juego prometedor por descubrir muy pronto

Con su estética que mezcla retro y futurismo, Glitchpunk tiene algo para seducir a los fanáticos de la acción en vista de la cima y la atmósfera del género cyberpunk. Por lo tanto, el juego promete una gran libertad, como el primer GTA que parece hacer un tributo vibrante envuelto en luces de neón.

This game developed by Dark Lord and published by Daedalic Entertainment is expected during the second quarter of 2021. However, as part of the Steam Game Festival scheduled for February 3, it will be possible to discover it through a free demo. Those who want to stay informed of further development can also join a  dedicated Discord server  .

Followers of the cyberpunk genre have a lot to celebrate in the coming days.


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